Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering ,Tathwade Pune
(An Autonomous Institute Affilated to SPPU,Pune)
Department Of Electrical Engineering
International Journal/
Transaction Published
S.Argade, V.Aravinthan,E.Buyuktaktakin and S.Joseph, “Performance and Consumer Satisfaction Based Bi-Level Tariff Scheme for EV Charging as a Virtual Power Plant”, at IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution transactions on virtual power plant 13 (11), 2112-2122
Journal Submitted
S.Argade, V.Aravinthan, “Optimal transformer sizing in the presence of EV charging for exact hour yearly load”, to be submitted to IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
International Conferences
S. Argade, V. Aravinthan, and W. Jewell, “Probabilistic modeling of EV charging and Its Impact on Distribution Transformer Loss of Life,” in 1st IEEE Int. Electric Vehicle Conference, March 2012
V. Aravinthan, S. Argade, “Optimal transformer sizing with the presence of electric vehicle charging”, IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution conference, April 2014
Performance and consumer satisfaction-based bi-level tariff scheme for EV charging as a VPP (View)