Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering ,Tathwade Pune
(An Autonomous Institute Affilated to SPPU,Pune)
Department Of Electrical Engineering
Integer linear programming Method
M.A.Kanawade and M. M. Ranade, "Optimization of Cogeneration in Sugar industry by Mixed integer linear programming Method," 2021 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Green Engineering (CCGE), 2021, pp. 1-6, DOI:10.1109/CCGE50943.2021.9776424.
Designing and Development of Virtual Power System Analysis Lab for Short Circuit Analysis on Transmission Lines
In this Virtual laboratory for ‘Short circuit analysis on transmission lines’ experiment user gets a chance to select appropriate components such as generator or voltage source, three phase transmission line, infinite bus; put values for the modelling of setup exactly as that of laboratory-based setup. This experiment includes remembrance and picturing ability of earlier learnt concepts in Classroom.
2022 IEEE 7th International conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT)
Pune, India. Apr 07-09, 2022.
Optimization of Cogeneration in Sugar industry by Mixed integer linear programming Method
Cogeneration plants concurrently produce electricity and heat energy. In sugar industry bagasse can be
utilized efficiently for generation of thermal and electrical energy. The present study includes optimal scheduling of boiler and generator units for generation of steam and electricity. The mixed integer linear programming (MILP) mathematical formulation is proposed to determine optimal planning. The existing sugar industry under consideration does not sell electricity to grid or other utility. The optimal planning and scheduling of sugar industry components in view of power export indicates reduction in annual cost of sugar industry. The proposed MILP model can be helpful for planner of sugar industry to consider power export option in the existing sugar industry. The study shows clear benefit and efficient utilization of boiler and generator units of the industry after satisfying the thermal and electrical demands.
2021 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Green Engineering (CCGE)
JSPM's RSCOE, Pune, India. Sep 23-25, 2021
Designing and Development of Virtual Power System Analysis Lab for Measurement of ABCD Parameters of a Medium Length Transmission Line